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Drone 2: is Sound Stone 9 palm pitched down from D#5 to C5 and looped in Kontakt.

Drone 3: was pitched down from A#2 to C1 using Sound Stone 1 palm, this sample had a lovely hiss which was going to be great for giving the track some ambience. 

The three drones took care of the main body of the track and all that was needed was a over blown flute at E3 to give it a softer texture. The drones were mixed down onto separate audio tracks so I could control the volumes and automation. I finally added the piano motif which I had earlier programmed.

Conclusions: I was delighted to have captured the "Deaf Centre" sound whilst using a completely different sound source. Creating a cord from the three samples worked really well and is something I am definitely going to continue examining, The piano sat really nicely with the Sound Stone Drones which gives me a lot of confidence moving forward. The only negative is that I struggled to get control of the bottom end and found it a bit messy in places. I am going to explore how to get a tighter bottom end.

Test 2: is inspired by the Deaf Centre’s 2011 album track Hunted Twice. I chose to make this piece because, stylistically it is very close to where I want to be sonically with this music project, deep interesting drones, delicate minimalist piano and intricate sound designs.


Hunted Twice features a cello and heavily distorted guitars, I plan to recreate these elements using the sound stone palm samples.


Drone 1: was created using Sound Stone 13 palm originally pitched at G3 and transposed down to C, E and C1 respectively, this will create the main drone for the piece.

I had to reduced some of the bottom end between 0 and 100Hz and boosted it at around 150Hz. This signal was sent to a group channel with the Waves H Reverb on the insert.

Sound Stone 13 palm: Processed with Effects.

I wanted to capture the sound of the stone been rubbed for this drone so I added some automation on the Waves H EQ, moving the frequency up and down at 2k to give it some extra movement. This signal was also sent to the group channel.

Sound Stone 9 palm: Processed with Effects.

Auto pan was added to this sample to give it some movement and all the bottom end was EQ'd out and sent to the group channel.

Sound Stone 1 palm: Processed with Effects.

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